Chris Saper

Chris Saper Photo

Chris grew up on the south side of Chicago.  She describes her childhood neighborhood as the best place to grow up and everyone should have that kind of neighborhood.

After graduating from NIU, she worked in the north suburbs of Chicago as a CPA.  After years of valuing homes and real estate portfolios, she decided to assist people through one of the most important financial and emotional decisions one will make.  Chris uses her solid financial background as a CPA, knowledge of current market conditions and patient nature to help her clients.  Chris loves the moment when her clients find their dream home and then being able to simplify the process from offer to closing.  Chris also enjoys helping sellers move on to their next phase by creating a custom marketing plan, which includes collaboration on price, staging and possible smart updates to the home. 

Chris' business is primarily referrals.  She attributes her referrals to exceptional customer service and thorough education of the buying and selling process.

Chris is committed to improving the local community and maintaining a community that local residents can describe as the best place to grow up similar to her south side childhood.  

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