Daniel Hellweg

Daniel Hellweg Photo

As a third-generation Chicagoan, Dan embodies a deep passion for this city. To him, Chicago is not just a place but a mindset. With a family legacy of service—his grandfather and father both having worked for the city—Dan has always felt a unique pride in its achievements.

His personal experience of buying a home during the Great Recession taught him the immense value of a good agent in the real estate process. From this, he adopted the mantra "Be The Agent I Wish I Had," emphasizing the importance of guiding clients through transactions and building lasting relationships founded on trust. Dan's goal is not merely to close individual deals but to earn referrals from satisfied clients to their friends, family, and loved ones.

In addition to his real estate career, Dan is an active community leader. He serves as the President of Buena Park in Uptown and heads his Condo Association. These roles allow him to foster and amplify community spirit, extending his influence and commitment to enhancing life in and around Chicago.

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