Prime Corner in Montgomery, IL - Land for Sale. Unlock major value through development. The site offers countless development opportunity options such as Residential Apartment or Condo Development, Gas station with a drive-through convenience store, Car Wash, Daycare, Billboard advertisement, Storage, Office Suites, and more. Located at the Northeast corner of RT 30 and Orchard Rd in Montgomery, IL 60538, with an average daily vehicle count of 60,000 vehicles, the site offers incredible opportunities at 1.48 Acres (64,469 square feet). With creative development options, turn this corner into a major destination site. The option to purchase the two adjacent homes is available if needed. Just minutes away from a major I-80 Interstate to the north, it is a rare, phenomenal opportunity to acquire prime commercial real estate in very high traffic in Montgomery, IL, a village of Kane and Kendall counties. Directly across the street from a major development including Starbucks, Chase Bank, Walmart Supercenter, Aldi, Dollar Tree, daycare centers, and other national retail and dining establishments. Contact us to find out more about this last remaining, high-traffic-count opportunity in this rapidly developing area. **Two adjacent single-family homes can be purchased for 168k each. ** Please inquire about 'Ground Lease' options.